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Canadair CL-415 SuperScooper (N392AC)
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Canadair CL-415 SuperScooper (N392AC)



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frank theriault
Sadly, these are probably more needed and used than ever right now. I lived about a mile from Canadair when I was a kid, so it's always nice to see these amazing aircraft.
serge LOTH
Probably the most useful aircraft in the future... Wonderful plane.
Yes, a sense of history here as well as I used to watch them (CL215s back then) take off and land at YUL from my office window on Cote de Liesse. Very special aircraft in many ways. Canada, due to geography primarily, has a very strong and successful history in building rugged utilitarian aircraft.
Yes, a sense of history here as well as I used to watch them (CL215s back then) take off and land at YUL from my office window on Cote de Liesse. Very special aircraft in many ways. Canada, due to geography primarily, has a very strong and successful history in building rugged utilitarian aircraft.
just noticed this one. Dont know much about this Canadair model, but the boxy shape looks like an amphibious cousin of the Shorts 330 :) Built rugged in Belfast. From back in the day
on commuter hops in USA East Coast
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