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Lockheed EC-121 Constellation (HB-RSC)
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Lockheed EC-121 Constellation (HB-RSC)



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Tim Segulin
Very clear shot od one of the most beautiful looking airliners ever made.
Beautiful shot, but got to keep them propellers turning!!
Pascal SimonPhoto Uploader
Thank you very much for your comments, yes it is true for the propellers (lol)
john cook
coasting ?
Ken Mitchell
With recips, pulling the power back means that the prop blades are spinning slower. So with a fast enough lens, you can get a photo of the props "standing still", as it were.
Thomas Craig
Slow props, fast camera!
Diana Rose
Fer shure!!! Keep those props whirring else it looks like all 4 lost power at the same time. WHOA!
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