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McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle (86155) - Florida Air National Guard 125th Fighter Wing Registration 86-155 F-15 C/D Eagle on take off from Jacksonville International Airport on September 4th, 2018.
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McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle (86155)


Florida Air National Guard 125th Fighter Wing Registration 86-155 F-15 C/D Eagle on take off from Jacksonville International Airport on September 4th, 2018.


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Ronald Mullins
Nice capture Edward.
daniel jef
Gavin Hughes
'Wow' springs to mind but it's not enough for this. Super stuff Edward.
ken kemper
Superb Photo Edward !!

Thumbs up
rick worboys
Great photo and great information. Very important to know where, when and why. Thank you.
serge LOTH
Good shot
Beautiful ✔
Greg Zelna
Wonderful ! Every time I see shots such as these, I think to myself "wow thats somebody's JOB to fly those babies!"
Yessss, insane shot!!!!!!!!!!!
jim garrity
I just love the smell of "jet fuel", anytime!
Great capture! Raw power!
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