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Experimental 100kts-200kts — - Dassault Mirage 2000N...France Air Forcebr /meeting FOSA Creil Senlis (France)
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png Tamaño intermedio / Tamaño grande / Tamaño real

Experimental 100kts-200kts —


Dassault Mirage 2000N...France Air Force
meeting FOSA Creil Senlis (France)


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Michael Hoare
Amazing to see the original design and shape of the Mirage is still in use today even .
Paul Wisgerhof
N125AM is a Vans RV-10. Does anyone believe it would take a Mirage five hours to fly from Corsicana, Texas, to Tuscon, AZ? Yeah, right, didn't think so.
Philippe LebertrePhoto Uploader
...merci pour votre passage
...je sais, son immatriculation est 125-AM et son numéro de série est 353
...mais l'informatique ne veux pas changer ce code...

... Thank you for your visit
... I know, registration is 125-AM and its serial number is 353
... But the computer does not want to change this code ...
This confusion is the result of a Flight Aware data entry screen "glitch". If the number/alpha character combination "125AM" is entered for registration, Flight Aware automatically adds the "N" alpha character. Thus it reads like a FAA civil registration.
Daniel Urquiola
One of the most beautiful planes ever seen by me. The Mirage. Thanks for this magnificent pic.
Perfect shot..!
Anthony Kirkham
Quite a paint job and a great plan form view.


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