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N104CJ — - PZL-Mielec SB-LIM2 (MIG15-UTI)br /Société Warbird Airshow Flying Service INC Lewis
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N104CJ —


PZL-Mielec SB-LIM2 (MIG15-UTI)
Société Warbird Airshow Flying Service INC Lewis


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Paul Wisgerhof
These relics of the Korean War are almost as good as a Cessna T-37 in converting jet fuel to noise - are far less reliable.
ken kemper

Awesome Photo & Happy Weekend
Michael Wulfsohn
Way cool shot! I bet it would be a real kick in the a** to ride in the backseat!
Bror Monberg
Interesting history to the MiG 15. This a/c was made possible by the the Labour Party and Clement Attlee sending the Soviet Union Rolls-Royce RB.41 Nene engines. The Russians copied it nicely and in Korea the Mig 15 shocked the west.
Robert Cowling
Basically strapping yourself to a jet engine. YIKES!!! Amazing picture. 5*
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