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— — - Dont know if this appropriate without the aircraft, but The Blue Angel team always vists the  special needs kids after their practice flight the day before the show. March 18th 2016, Captain Jeff Kuss autographing one of the kids T-Shirts along with other team members.He leaves special kids with special memories of the day.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png Tamaño intermedio / Tamaño grande / Tamaño real

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Don't know if this appropriate without the aircraft, but The Blue Angel team always vists the special needs kids after their practice flight the day before the show. March 18th 2016, Captain Jeff Kuss autographing one of the kids T-Shirts along with other team members.He leaves special kids with special memories of the day.


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First time I saw the Blue Angels was in 1966 at NAS Lemoore. I have seen them so many times since and I still feel the same excitement and awe just like the first time. RIP Captain Kuss.
Yes...this is completely appropriate. Warms my heart!


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