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N55663 —
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png Tamaño intermedio / Tamaño grande / Tamaño real

N55663 —



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Dr. Strangelove.
Greg Byington
LOL! At least some of us know what/who you're talking about. ;-)
Actually my mistake, it was 'Failsafe' with Henry Fonda as the president and General Black (Blackie) that dropped to bomb on New York.
According to Joe Baugher's excellent published information, this Convair B-58 started life as a YB-58A and the 4th example of the B-58 built... with Convair's MSN 4 and carried a USAF serial number of 55-663. USAF serial numbers started at 55-660 for this type.

Joe adds this information...

"663 assigned to 6592 Test Squadron, Carswell AFB,Texas. Converted to TB-58A. Assigned to 305th BW, Bunker Hill (AFB), later Grissom AFB, Indiana. Damaged in 1969 by a fire in the cockpit. On static display at Grissom AFB, Indiana."
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