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Antonov An-124 Ruslan (UR-82072) - 5-L 06-17-23
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Antonov An-124 Ruslan (UR-82072)


5-L 06-17-23


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Russ Brown
They look really neat and loud taking off from IAD over my backyard at 2,000 feet
WHY NOT!!! doug...
Doug, if you love aviation and you ever see one of these planes in person, you will understand.
In the meantime, John that was a well timed shot. Love these planes, too bad we'll never again see the 225.
Mark Huntsinger
Have to say that I agree with Doug. Variety is the spice of life.
John GiambonePhoto Uploader
Steven & Dicky11, thank You. Doug has nothing better to do with his time than to worry about what pictures other people post. Doug - here is an idea for you that you can do with some of that spare time on your hand. Grab a camera and go to the airport and post some pictures that we all can admire.!
Donna Yost
The big beast is always a pleasure to see, especially, in my old stomping ground, KIND. Haven't flown into KIND in years and need to get back there.


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