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Boeing 747-400 (LX-SCV) - 5-L 06-17-23. Colt's hangar in the background.
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Boeing 747-400 (LX-SCV)


5-L 06-17-23. Colt's hangar in the background.


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Hugh Janus
Hahahaha! Doug's on the job!
I’m giving this photo 5 stars just to spite Doug.
Samuel Bixler
Why not, if they're good photos? If it happened to be a different aircraft, same airline, same paint scheme, would you object?
John GiambonePhoto Uploader
@DougIrvin - You post what you like - I post what I like. No one forces you to look. It always amazes me that the folks & critics like you and @HughJanus seldom if ever bother to post your own photos but somehow find the time to criticize other people's stuff. You must live a very fulfilling and satisfying life and have a lot of free time to sit there and county other people's photo's all day long.
John GiambonePhoto Uploader
@masonite & @Samuel - thank you. Appreciate your postive feedback. While Doug and Hugh may not approve, I just don't care. I like seeing the different angles/perspectives of the same aircraft whether they are my shot's, or someone else's.
William Gilson
@Doug Irvin ??? Really ??? That is the whole idea same aircraft different photographers and locations. Spotters flight tracking and so on Really? Get a grip man
William Gilson
OH and I gave 5 stars also :) Great shot
John GiambonePhoto Uploader
@williamgilson - thanks for your feedback & support. Appreciate you sir!
John GiambonePhoto Uploader
@WilliamGilson. Went to your photo's and OMG sir, what an amazing set of photographs, especially that F-18 crash sequence. Unbelievable material you captured. I hang my camera in shame, and I say that metaphorically speaking of course (Much to Doug and Hugh's disappointment) truly incredible stuff!
William Gilson
Any time great work you have no one gets how hard this is to shoot Aircraft . You get one shot perhaps 2 and the subject is GONE. There is no second shot your work is great Thanks for looking through my stuff
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