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MIKOYAN MiG-17 (NX217SH) - Mig 17 performing at the DAY Airshow 07-22-23
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Mig 17 performing at the DAY Airshow 07-22-23


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serge LOTH
Beautiful picture John!
John Clowes
Great picture. That was my favorite performer at the air show.
frank theriault
That is a great big WOW!
Samuel Bixler
Type designator is MG17
Herbert Zigler
Isn't it MiG 17?
Excellent photograph!
George Jenista
Herbert Zigler, MiG 17 does represent the make & model of the aircraft, as it were. However the "type designator" or nomenclature used in flight plans and flight data communications is limited to 4 characters. Hence "MG17" as the type desidigbator.
ken kemper
Wonderful Photo John !!
5 Stars
Great pic. Love the MG17 most attractive jet of that era!
Frank Daugherty
GREAT SHOT! (Love the tailpipe signature)
John GiambonePhoto Uploader
Thanks' guys. type designation fixed!
John GiambonePhoto Uploader
Thanks' guys. type designation fixed!
John Burtis
The Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-17 (Russian: Микоян и Гуревич МиГ-17; NATO reporting name: Fresco)[1] is a high-subsonic fighter aircraft produced in the USSR from 1952 and operated by numerous air forces in many variants. It is an advanced development of the very similar appearing MiG-15 of the Korean War. The MiG-17 was license-built in China as the Shenyang J-5 and Poland as the PZL-Mielec Lim-6.

MiG-17s first saw combat in 1958 in the Second Taiwan Strait Crisis and later proved to be an effective threat against more modern supersonic fighters of the United States in the Vietnam War. It was also briefly known as the Type 38 by U.S. Air Force designation prior to the development of NATO codes.
Diana Rose
Beauty Shot.
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