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McDonnell Douglas DC-10 (N313FE) - Awaiting her final flight. 01-04-23
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McDonnell Douglas DC-10 (N313FE)


Awaiting her final flight. 01-04-23


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Wendall Carney
NOT A DC-10!!!! We re-did the pilot configuration from 3 to 2 and re-named them MD-10!
John GiambonePhoto Uploader
Wendell. well technically yes, you are correct. I'm well aware of the DC-10/MD-10 debate. I understand the flight deck differences/type certificates, etc. I just don't care. She was born a DC-10, to me she will always be a DC-10. At this point, who really cares? You are welcome to post your own DC-10/MD-10 pics and call them whatever you want. Happy New Year to you.
Samuel Bixler
According to the ICAO, a Boeing MD-10 is still a type designator of DC10, as John has entered it.
John GiambonePhoto Uploader
Thank you Samuel. I appreciate your input. Here is another way of looking at this Wendall. You were born Wendall. As you age, you may have to get a few new replacement parts, perhaps a new knee, a new heart, even a new/mechanical heart or other joints. Heck, you might even get some bionic parts. Lets look at our servicemen & women who end up having to get various prosthetics. Now, just cuz we change some parts out of you, you are still the same "person". You get a new ticker, new limbs, etc. they might enable you to run farther, faster, with more energy, etc. Do we start calling you a new name because you have some new parts in you? The answer obviously is "NO" That is kind of how I look at this "DC/MD" debate. 90% of you is still original. Same with the DC-10. If anything, the "MD" is more of a hybrid/marketing name. We are still talking about the same aircraft here. If I look at my type certificate on my pilots license, does it say DC10, or MD-10? Bottom line here is enjoy the few we have left, and agree to disagree, call them whatever you are most comfortable with.
Hayden Schnick
Awesome shot, John
John GiambonePhoto Uploader
Thanks Hayden!
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