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Lockheed F-16 Fighting Falcon — - T-Birds doing their thing flawlessly per usual. Dayton 2023 airshow 07-22-23
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Lockheed F-16 Fighting Falcon —


T-Birds doing their thing flawlessly per usual. Dayton 2023 airshow 07-22-23


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serge LOTH
ken kemper
Perfect !!!!!
Lewis Ellwanger
Tom Duffy
Talk about precision!
Linda Nitzschke
They are here in Sioux Falls this weekend. I get a bit of a free show, with my apt. being in their flight path for turning around to come and go during their performance over the airport. Boy, oh boy, are they loud...can feel them, not just hear them, etc.
Linda Nitzschke
A few years ago, I was so surprised during my Trikke ride on the bike path here in Sioux Falls, when I looked up and saw these Thunderbirds fly by overhead in formation. No idea where they had come from or where they were going...they were very easily visible as being the Thunderbirds, being not all that high.
Steven H Wilcox
What a photo John!! Great American photo op.
John GiambonePhoto Uploader
Thanks for the comments folk's!
well done!


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