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VFW CH-53G (N8462) - Alpine Training session - where else than in beautiful Switzerland :D (and no, Im not receiving money from tourist office) All CH53 where transferred from Army to Air Force at the beginning of 2013, but some of them are still wearing HEER markings. Sikorsky CH-53G (S-65)br /84+62 (cn V65-060)
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png Tamaño intermedio / Tamaño grande / Tamaño real

VFW CH-53G (N8462)


Alpine Training session - where else than in beautiful Switzerland :D (and no, I'm not receiving money from tourist office) All CH53 where transferred from Army to Air Force at the beginning of 2013, but some of them are still wearing HEER markings. Sikorsky CH-53G (S-65)
84+62 (cn V65-060)


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Martin Hüben
Why is there a German marking at the tail?
Roy Hunte
Naturally it belongs to Germany.
Sven ZimmermannPhoto Uploader
Yes Martin, Roy is right. German Helicopter Pilots uses Switzerland for Alpine Navigation Training with CH-53 and (rarely) UH-1, normally 2-3 times for 2 weeks. You can catch them in Alpnach (LSMA), but sometimes also in Sion and Meiringen.

Unfortunally the Foto-Tag is not working properly on adsb-exchange (on military regs). It whould be better if we can safe them for example as 84+62
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