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Boeing 737-200 (C-FNVK)
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Boeing 737-200 (C-FNVK)



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Unusual to see, the gravel runway kit on the front gear
Cuong NguyenPhoto Uploader
Not many B732 with this kit installed still flying these days.
Ron Goes
The gravel kits were developed by Nordair (later merged into CP then into PWA which became Canadi>n Airlines International CP) to satisfy a northern supply contract to the
DEW (Defense Early Warning) line radar stations on the northern edge of the Arctic archipelego, with Alert NT at the top of the APEX, the northern most point in Canada. All of those stations had gravel strips. The C-FN?? probably indicates an ex-Nordair registration. PWA had them too for the various fly-in villlages in the NWT. They are now operated by Nolinor, Firstair and a mining company and that mining company services their private airstrip at their mine site about 100 nm north of Goose Bay LB (CYYR).
Kevin Haiduk
Thanks for the information Ron.
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