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Lockheed C-130 Hercules (N1704)
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Lockheed C-130 Hercules (N1704)



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Gary Schenauer
Nicely caught, Tim. * * * * * shot! ;-)
Tim CrippinPhoto Uploader
This is NOT a commercial aircraft hence she does not have letter N before its tail number. OK?
Chalet>>>>> The "N" prefix letter is automatically inserted by Flight Aware's data entry software. If you had ever uploaded a photo to FA, you would likely know this from experience.

I have no doubt that the FA member photo uploader, Tim Crippin, merely entered the four digit USCG aircraft serial number of 1704.

According to Joe Baugher's published information, this USCG HC-130H is Lockheed's MSN 382-4969 and was originally ordered as USAF serial number 82-0085.

This one was part of a group of 22 USCG HC-130H aircraft, assigned USCG a/c serial numbers 1700 thru 1721, that were "acquired by Coast Guard under USAF contract addendum" as stated by Mr. Baugher.
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