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Airbus A330-200 (A9C-KB)
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png Tamaño intermedio / Tamaño grande / Tamaño real

Airbus A330-200 (A9C-KB)



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Paul Wisgerhof
Gulf Air is the national carrier of Bahrain. Thus the A9 registration.
Bob LaCursia
I like this color on the plane. I wish more of America's fleet had this kind of eye-appeal. If you are going to paint a jet liner with all one color then choose from the thousands of color shades available rather than go with something bland, like United's color scheme.

Spirit chose to do this but their delivery reminds me of a banana.Spirit says the scheme is for "branding" purposes. But the only brand I see in Spirit's new color scheme is "Chiquita".
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