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N528ZC —
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png Tamaño intermedio / Tamaño grande / Tamaño real

N528ZC —



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CloudwatcherPhoto Uploader
First 787-10 ready for it's first flight. Will be on 31.March 2017. You can follow this flight online on the Boeing Website

Photo Credit: Boeing
Aircraft No is wrong on this seems to be N528ZC (787-10) not 787-8
CloudwatcherPhoto Uploader
Aircraft No changed, thank you ... Flightaware does not know the 787-10. I wrote 787-10, FA automatically changed this to 787-8
Roy Hunte
Try B78X.
Roy Hunte
Location is likely to be Charleston, not Everett.
Roy Hunte
As it has not flown yet, it wouldn't have made it to KPAE yet as they are only being built in Charleston.
CloudwatcherPhoto Uploader
Roy - B78X does not work "invalid Aircraft Type"
Roy Hunte
Might have to wait till it flies, they may update the system then.
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