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Boeing 747-400 (VH-OEE) - Nullabor Short Final To Rwy 16R
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Boeing 747-400 (VH-OEE)


"Nullabor" Short Final To Rwy 16R


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ken kemper
Beautiful Photo Mike.............
mike prendergastPhoto Uploader
Thanks Ken!
Steve Western
If only I could slip aboard, hide in a crew rest area on that beauty and fly it's schedule for a month, what places I'd go and sights I'd see. There will never be another Queen of The Skies. A year ago I picked up a seemingly united effort to bad mouth the 747-400, it's age, old interiors, entertainment systems 3rd rate, it sounds like it might fall apart creaking and groaning. It seemed as if Hong Kong, Tokyo, and Sydney high fliers just wanted the Queen to go away. I flew to London on a a BA 747-400 in October from Phoenix, great flight, no complaints on business class. I flew back on a LH 747-8 via LAX another fine trip, nice and attentive staff. In December I'll be off to Melbourne onboard possible the above 747. The Old Girl isn't ready to head for that last hanger.
mike prendergastPhoto Uploader
The Qantas Queens will be around for a little while yet Steve!
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