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Antonov An-225 Mriya (UR-82060)
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Antonov An-225 Mriya (UR-82060)



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Fabian Dirscherl
schönes Bild
Harry Ellett
Russia, Antonov, only built one of these. The only one in the world. Wonder how many pounds of fuel it takes to fill the An-225s fuel tanks?
richard Atkinson
Think you'll find Harry Ellett, the plane is in Ukrainian colors and is in fact currently being showcased around the world for sale as Ukraine offers to build the plane... not so much Russia, but Ukraine
G Zorbas
The number of wheels on this kite is incredible? Thanks Alexander for the photo.
marylou anderson
HOW many wheels are there?
In that photo right above the engines is that a damage spot or a vent?
Jeff Davis
Butch it appears to be a NACA style vent, or intake.
Did anyone see the beast go from Moffat field NASA to OAKLAND THEN LEFT for Titusville fl.after topping tank for the trip
Leon Kay
Thank you for a great photo of the only Antonov An-225 ever built.
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