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— — - Four USAF Thunderbirds F-100 Super Sabres performing at Rimini Miramare Airport (Italy) during the spring or summer of 1967. Photo is from a color slide taken by my father while he was stationed at Rimini Airbase with the Detachment 2700 7232nd Munitions Maintenance Group and with the Italian 5A Aerobrigata.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png Tamaño intermedio / Tamaño grande / Tamaño real

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Four USAF Thunderbirds F-100 Super Sabres performing at Rimini Miramare Airport (Italy) during the spring or summer of 1967. Photo is from a color slide taken by my father while he was stationed at Rimini Airbase with the Detachment 2700 7232nd Munitions Maintenance Group and with the Italian 5A Aerobrigata.


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