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North American TB-25 Mitchell (N9079Z) - Sunset at the USN Test PIlot School
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North American TB-25 Mitchell (N9079Z)


Sunset at the USN Test PIlot School


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Walter Zamorano
What an awesome plane
Helio Bastos Salmon
I love it! Congratulations!
A fantastic photo with the black water covered apron, and dark ominous black clouds contrasting the glow of the setting sun. Very well set up and planned. The airplane's not bad either...
Mark Coffman
My favorite ww2 bird. Just says freedom!
Bill Green
My dad flew 50 missions as a pilot in the South Pacific in a J model. I couldn't believe how small it is upon first seeing one!
a mentor
lookup B-25J-25-NC
Steve Sherwood
Fantastic photo! Can't wait until you come back to Florida.
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