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I was thinking of going to the Hook for photos but decided on another day and from what I see glad I did. Hate to say this but been there too many times and done exactly that. The water vapor, the heat reflecting off the beach, due and humidity, wind, engine exhaust dispersion it all adds up to what to the quality of the photos.
Good thing it still makes for a great day trip and fun watching the planes head into JFK that is miles away. Clear skies and photos John.
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Fecha Aeronave Origen Destino Salida Llegada Duración
08-03-2025 B77WLondres-Heathrow ()Male Int'l () 06:44PM GMT 09:28AM +05 (+1) En Vuelo
07-03-2025 B77WInt'l de la Ciudad del Cabo ()Londres-Heathrow () 09:17PM SAST 06:34AM GMT (+1) 11:17
06-03-2025 B77WLondres-Heathrow ()Int'l de la Ciudad del Cabo () 06:48PM GMT 07:42AM SAST (+1) 10:53
05-03-2025 B77WInt'l de San Francisco ()Londres-Heathrow () 09:15PM PST 02:48PM GMT (+1) 9:32
05-03-2025 B77WLondres-Heathrow ()Int'l de San Francisco () 03:39PM GMT 05:53PM PST 10:14
04-03-2025 B77WInt'l de Los Ángeles ()Londres-Heathrow () 03:49PM PST 09:25AM GMT (+1) 9:35
04-03-2025 B77WLondres-Heathrow ()Int'l de Los Ángeles () 10:27AM GMT 01:09PM PST 10:41
03-03-2025 B77WOR Tambo Int'l ()Londres-Heathrow () 09:32PM SAST 06:32AM GMT (+1) 10:59
02-03-2025 B77WLondres-Heathrow ()OR Tambo Int'l () 07:11PM GMT 07:17AM SAST (+1) 10:06
01-03-2025 B77WInt'l de San Francisco ()Londres-Heathrow () 09:03PM PST 02:41PM GMT (+1) 9:37
01-03-2025 B77WLondres-Heathrow ()Int'l de San Francisco () 04:13PM GMT 06:29PM PST 10:15
28-02-2025 B77WInt'l de Los Ángeles ()Londres-Heathrow () 05:57PM PST 11:49AM GMT (+1) 9:52
28-02-2025 B77WLondres-Heathrow ()Int'l de Los Ángeles () 12:49PM GMT 02:54PM PST 10:04
27-02-2025 B77WInt'l John F. Kennedy ()Londres-Heathrow () 07:32PM EST 06:45AM GMT (+1) 6:12
27-02-2025 B77WLondres-Heathrow ()Int'l John F. Kennedy () 08:57AM GMT 11:29AM EST 7:32
27-02-2025 B77WInt'l Rey Khalid ()Londres-Heathrow () 01:08AM +03 05:00AM GMT 6:52
26-02-2025 B77WLondres-Heathrow ()Int'l Rey Khalid () 02:11PM GMT 10:47PM +03 5:35
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