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Piper PA-30 Twin Comanche (N84TD)
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Piper PA-30 Twin Comanche (N84TD)



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Rick Finch
Sorry, but this is not at KGAD, which is Gadsden, AL.
Nice shot of a late model upgraded PA30. Not sure of the location, but I notice both Fedex and UPS are parked on the other side of the field...
Toddhardin03Photo Uploader
Chris and Rick thank you both for the comments. This is my 69 Factory Turbo Charged C model Twinkie with C/R props that has every available speed mod installed. This picture is of my bird sitting on the ramp at the Birmingham Flight School at the KBHM airport! It is based just North of KBHM at KGAD.
Thanks Todd, that's a great shot of your turbocharged C model PA30 parked at Birmingham KBHM.
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