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Boeing PT-17 Kaydet (N58986) - The Ageless Aviation Dream Foundation's Boeing E-75 Stearman (N58986) is off Runway 15 at Fernley's Tiger Field to give a thrilling flight experience to a senior military veteran. AADF provides flights to senior vets across the country absolutely free of charge.
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Boeing PT-17 Kaydet (N58986)


The Ageless Aviation Dream Foundation's Boeing E-75 Stearman (N58986) is off Runway 15 at Fernley's Tiger Field to give a thrilling flight experience to a senior military veteran. AADF provides flights to senior vets across the country absolutely free of charge.


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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Because the people who are given these flights are all seniors and knowing that seniors are very vulnerable to the virus, I am 100% certain that the AADF has cancelled this year's flights.
Gavin Hughes
5 stars and beyond! What a great thing the AADF does and you'd probably be right with the comment although with appropriate social distancing, there could be hope if everyone did the right thing, but of course I don't know how many gather or where they have to gather.
Tom Vance
Great shot Gman! what a great program - I did not know Fernley had an airstrip! Did you get a new lens?
Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Thnx, Gavin. Nope, no new glass, T. But none needed here. For this shot, I just stood on a ladder about 30 feet off the edge of One Five and clicked it as it went by. This was a requested photo shoot. I was contacted and asked to be there to click photos of the Stearman taxiing, taking off, doing flybys, landing, etc. It was fun. They loved the pics I gave them, and I had a super day.
Joan Williams
Nice shot! Love this bird...
Paul Wisgerhof
How many of you remember the song, "fun, fun, fun 'till my daddy took my T-bird away?" This is way better!!
Tom Vance
Pauly - "The Beach Boys" rule...Gman should know without looking..
ken kemper

Just a Beauty of a pic........
Jim Williams
Great photo! I can look at it and almost hear that round motor like I was standing there on the ramp watching.
john cook
Great shot Gary!
I thought it was Stead at first.
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