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Canadair Regional Jet CRJ-900 (N241LR) - Arriving at Monterey Regional Airport shortly before high noon.
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Canadair Regional Jet CRJ-900 (N241LR)


Arriving at Monterey Regional Airport shortly before high noon.


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Dwight Hartje
Another great shot, Gary!
Matt Winhall
This photo makes me smile:) I grew up in Gilroy and I used to bug my dad to take me to MRY all the time. If I could print this on a canvas I would! Well done!
Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Hi again, Dwight. Many thanks for the compliment. And Matt, thank you also for your comment & compliment. I can understand completely why you enjoyed going there to watch aircraft. MRY is a wonderful airport for spotting / clicking aircraft pics. Great views from several locations. :-)
Mark C
Gary this is truely a great shot captured at the perfect moment right after touchdown and with amazing scenery in the background. It's kind of funny seeing how green everything is up north when in socal everything is the same dark brown color.
Spencer Hoefer
The CRJ is a great looking aircraft
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