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CONVAIR Privateer (N2871G) - A Consolidated Vultee PB4Y-2 Privateer (N2871G), dressed in the US Coast Guard uniform -- similar to the garb it once wore while on "active duty' with the Coast Guard [ex USCG Reg 66302] in the WWII and Korean War eras -- arrives at Reno Stead (KRTS) from Casa Grande, AZ (KCGZ) to participate in the final Reno Air Races event as a static display.br /br /** Consolidated's PB4Y-2 is a variant of its B-24 Liberator.
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CONVAIR Privateer (N2871G)


A Consolidated Vultee PB4Y-2 Privateer (N2871G), dressed in the US Coast Guard uniform -- similar to the garb it once wore while on "active duty' with the Coast Guard [ex USCG Reg 66302] in the WWII and Korean War eras -- arrives at Reno Stead (KRTS) from Casa Grande, AZ (KCGZ) to participate in the final Reno Air Races event as a static display.

** Consolidated's PB4Y-2 is a variant of its B-24 Liberator.


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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Thus far, perfect WX for the last-ever week of the Reno Air Races. Wherever the future races are held, there will never be better weather than RTS is experiencing this week.
ken kemper
Beautiful pic of a very rare bird Gary.

Enjoy the final Reno Races. Hope relocated to an airport close to you.
Diana Rose
Really cool, perfect shot!
John Giambone
Great catch Gary!
Max Trapp
Isn't this the only PB4Y Privateer flying?
Joseph Edwards
She's an oldie but goodie. SEMPER PARATUS.
sal derosa
I salute this beauty! Great picture Gary Schenauer!
Great capture, Gary!!
M Bodkin
I’ve been aboard a Liberator - on the deck, not in flight - but Ididn’t realize there was a Privateer still airworthy.
Matt Smith
Saw this bird (and posted pix) from about 2 years ago while I was supporting Boeing Flight Test at KCGZ .. (but missed him leaving a few days later - oh well.)

... I disagree with "** Consolidated's PB4Y-2 is a variant of its B-24 Liberator.". while the fuselage and wing are similar and probably share many parts, the tail is completely different and the function - patrol vs heavy bomber - probably drives internal-to-fuselage differences.
For so many years the CG had to make do with hand me downs. Don't get me wrong, this is a fine hand me down for those times. It wasn't until the late 50's the HH-52 (H-62) was developed by Sikorsky in an effort to promote use specifically for the USCG. Semper Paratus
Matt Smith
Saw this bird at KCGZ 2 years ago while supporting Boeing Engineering Flight Test operations there - but missed him leaving. Pix posted on site somewhere.

I disagree with "Consolidated's PB4Y-2 is a variant of its B-24 Liberator." while the fuselage and wing clearly share many common components, the back half and tail are completely different and the function (patrol vs long range Heavy Bomber) probably drives many internal differences. I think "variant" is too strong a comparison. similar maybe.

this might get posted twice - blame MicroSquish...
Samuel Bixler
Privateer's ICAO code is P4Y.
Variant: "something that is slightly different from other similar things"

The PB4Y-2 used the same wing, landing gear, most of the same fuselage, the same engines (although w/o turbosuperchargers) as the B-24 series. In most regards (other than the vertical tail, which was also used experimentally on some B-24's), the PB4Y-2 was every bit as 'close' to the B-24 as another 'variant' - the C-87.

Picky, picky
Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Whoa!! Lotsa Comments here and I just now discovered them.

First >> To Samuel Bixler >>> Hi, Samuel. Many Thanx for the info. I'll make the Correction right now. TYVM.

Next >>> To Ken K., Diana R. (hey, hi, Diana, no hear in quite a while; hope all has been OK by you), John G. (John, see added remark for you at bottom of this), Sal Derosa, and Don >>> I appreciate your kind Comments re: the photo. I caught a couple shots of it as it was on approach and as far as I know I was the only photog to hang out waiting for it. A whole bunch of folks went past me leaving about 5 or 6 minutes before it arrived. After it landed, I had to hustle my old bones up toward the north end to catch it taxiing in to the static area. Made it just in time. Then later I went up into the stands and once again I found I was all alone up there. Must have required too much energy for any others to come up. Then, finally, I went in to get closeups. So I came away with many fine pics of it. Diana >> Can share with you even tho you aren't on the list --> read Comment to John G. below and just do as it says, OK? Don, Ken, etc., you'll be getting some soon.
Joseph E., Firewatch209 >> You two must be Coasties. My son was a Coastie for 11 years (Neah Bay, USS Fir in Astoria, etc.). I've got a pic of a CG copter out of Atlantic City that was here in support of POTUS. Can share if you are interested.
Max T., M Bodkin >>> I'm not sure if this is the ONLY one but if it isn't the only one it is definitely one of a very, very few.
Matt Smith >>> Your objection is probably very valid. i make no claim to know much at all about aircraft or aviation. I'm merely an amateur photog who takes pics as a hobby. When I post pics, I often try to add a bit of info about the aircraft, although I'm not doing it as often now since the folks at FA could not care less whether there is any info with a pic and also because there are more knowledgeable people out there who don't approve of the phraseology I use, and since I am no expert I'm just figuring it is better for me if I put nothing.
To John G. >>> Made this offer a few times but figured I'd make it one more time in case you've not seen it before. I have an e/mail list. Occasionally, I have a pic that is perhaps better than the one I post here, or perhaps of special interest, or perhaps very unique, or an oldie from the 60s, or etc., and I never post those here. But I DO email them to those on my email list. I only include folks who have a true interest in aviation photos and who make the effort to post quality and who appreciate quality. I invite those who I feel do have such standards. If you'd enjoy receiving an occasional pic of mine from the above categories from me, do NOT reply here. (If you reply with an email addy here on FA, I won't see it.) So instead, send an email to [email protected] Then expect an email reply from a DIFFERENT EMAIL ADDY -- not from OldeCarl. You'll know it is me when you see the different Email sender's ADDY.
Diana >> First time offer. If interested, just follow info above.
Thank you to all. To everyone else on FA, Sorry for the long novella Comment.
Darryl Sarno
Great capture and information Gary! 5*'s
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