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YAKOVLEV Yak-11 (N5943)
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YAKOVLEV Yak-11 (N5943)



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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
In its former "life," this Yakovlev was used as a trainer in the Egyptian Air Force.
Dave Sheehy
Nice Gary, looks fast just sitting there.
Darryl Sarno
Great shot and catch Gary! Congrats on grabbing this photo of a Yakovlev! That alone should be 5 *'s! Well done!
Alan Brown
This is one fast looking aircraft. Reminds me of some of the aircraft that were designed by Howard Hughes.
As a former Navy A-1 pilot, I would expect you need a lot of right rudder on t/o.
a mentor
I'm with you @Alan ... see this
a mentor
@Robert; Ah the proud tradition of the A-1 "Sandy". Just think, the follow-on A-10 is being considered to be mothballed :-(
Chris Croft
I think the former Naval Aviator was referring to the AD 1 Spad. Although both AF and Navy versions are very similar, the Varsity team (NAVY) were equipped with tailhooks. FLY NAVY!
Chris Croft
Standing by for a mentors scathing critique.....of comments made in jest.
arthur palmer
modeled on a Seafury ?
serge LOTH
Gary I assume this one is expected for Reno???
Awesome looking airplane! Great shot!
Kam Bahrami
"CZECH Mate"...ha...dad joke of a name! Love it.
a a
its not yak-11. and i dont know what it is
Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Uh, oh. Now I find myself having to make a very difficult choice. On the one hand, the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the half-century old leadership of the Reno Air Racing Association (RARA), the photo experts who work at Jetphotos, the editors of Aviation Database, the contributors and editors of Wikipedia, the Egyptian Air Force, and the owners of this aircraft all say it is a Yak-11. On the other hand, someone with the initials a.a. says it is NOT a Yak-11 and to prove it the person says "I don't know what it is." Hmmm. This is a difficult decision for me to make. What should I do? Should I believe the FAA, the RARA, the folks at Jetphotos, the Egyptians, the owner, the people at Aviation Database, and the Wikipedia article about Yak-11s (which even has a picture of this very same aircraft shown in the article); OR should I believe this anonymous expert named a. a. who has offered such compelling proof ("I don't know what it is")? I have to say, I'm really stuck here. Which should I believe? I gotta say, "a.a." has really made a strong case. Let me think for a bit. (One one-thousand, two one-thousand, ...). Nope, I think I'm going to stay with what the FAA, the RARA, Jetphotos, Wikipedia, Aviation Database, the Egyptian AF, and the owners all say. This is a Yak-11. The P&W R2800 power plant is not "original equipment,' but the whole world other than a.a. says this is a Yak-11 ... so I'm going to go along with the whole world. This is a Yak-11.
Greg Byington
Hey, Gary! That was quite the dilemma! I hope you're okay after that tremendous mental struggle. Hang in there, eh! ;-)
Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Greg >>> (Grin) Took me two whole seconds ... and THAT was far too long. (Wave)
Greg Byington
That's about what I thought! Take care, Gary!
Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Unlimited Class President Sherman "Sherm" Smoot was fatally injured in last week's crash of "Czech Mate" in California. Blue Skies and Tail Winds Forever, Sherm. Thank You for your many years of devotion to aviation and air racing. RIP. (gcs)
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