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Embraer ERJ-135 (N268JX) - Taxiing north on Charlie to the Stellar Aviation ramp after a midmorning arrival from KLAS.
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Embraer ERJ-135 (N268JX)


Taxiing north on Charlie to the Stellar Aviation ramp after a midmorning arrival from KLAS.


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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
JSX flights from, and to, Reno are seeing more passengers every day.
Dave Sheehy
Some ass gave this one star...I gave it 5.
Tom Vance
Good one Dave......too bad we dont know who so we can look at their photos LOL x5 fer sure
C.W. Reed
I gave her 5 stars too.:-)

Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
OMG! (Big Grin) I was just going back over my posts from a short while ago and came up these Comments. And I couldn't help but grin.
Dave, it was your Comment that REALLY made me grin. You obviously don't know who it is ... or you wouldn't have called him an ass. Here are a couple of 'hints." lol He lives in your neck of the woods. He posts lots, but about 90% are easy-to-snap pics of stationary a/c parked on the ramp. He's not an ass, just courageously anonymous. lololol
Alien, he has tons of pics on FA. Up until about a year or so ago, he was proud of his pics and he had his name with his posts. But for whatever reason (shame, embarrassment, an attempt to hide his pics, who know why???) he changed his account so it only shows initials. About 4 months ago, he was offering his pics for sale which is when we pretty much stopped viewing his stuff (we don't compliment, promote, or encourage professionals) so we don't know what he's up to now. (And don't care, either.)
Hundo, TYVM. (Wave)
¿Deseas un historial completo para N268JX a partir de 1998? Compra ahora. Recíbelo dentro de una hora.
Fecha Aeronave Origen Destino Salida Llegada Duración
13-03-2025 E135Int'l de Oakland ()Int'l McCarran () 05:12PM PDT 06:21PM PDT Programado
13-03-2025 E135Int'l McCarran ()Int'l de Oakland () 02:05PM PDT 03:13PM PDT Programado
13-03-2025 E135Int'l de Oakland ()Int'l McCarran () 12:37PM PDT 01:51PM PDT 1:14
13-03-2025 E135Int'l McCarran ()Int'l de Oakland () 09:37AM PDT 10:47AM PDT 1:09
11-03-2025 E135Int'l de Los Ángeles ()Int'l McCarran () 06:46PM PDT 07:29PM PDT 0:42
11-03-2025 E135Int'l McCarran ()Int'l de Los Ángeles () 04:40PM PDT 05:38PM PDT 0:57
11-03-2025 E135McClellan-Palomar ()Int'l McCarran () 02:14PM PDT 03:05PM PDT 0:50
11-03-2025 E135Int'l McCarran ()McClellan-Palomar () 12:40PM PDT 01:32PM PDT 0:51
10-03-2025 E135John Wayne ()Int'l McCarran () 05:09PM PDT 05:53PM PDT 0:43
10-03-2025 E135Int'l McCarran ()John Wayne () 03:24PM PDT 04:07PM PDT 0:42
10-03-2025 E135John Wayne ()Int'l McCarran () 01:08PM PDT 01:52PM PDT 0:44
10-03-2025 E135Int'l McCarran ()John Wayne () 11:23AM PDT 12:08PM PDT 0:45
09-03-2025 E135John Wayne ()Int'l McCarran () 04:21PM PDT 05:03PM PDT 0:41
09-03-2025 E135Int'l McCarran ()John Wayne () 02:56PM PDT 03:38PM PDT 0:41
09-03-2025 E135Bob Hope ()Int'l McCarran () 12:52PM PDT 01:30PM PDT 0:37
09-03-2025 E135Int'l McCarran ()Bob Hope () 11:14AM PDT 12:00PM PDT 0:45
08-03-2025 E135John Wayne ()Int'l McCarran () 04:53PM PST 05:35PM PST 0:41
08-03-2025 E135Int'l McCarran ()John Wayne () 03:30PM PST 04:10PM PST 0:39
08-03-2025 E135John Wayne ()Int'l McCarran () 01:46PM PST 02:31PM PST 0:45
08-03-2025 E135Int'l McCarran ()John Wayne () 11:25AM PST 12:02PM PST 0:37
07-03-2025 E135Int'l de Los Ángeles ()Int'l McCarran () 08:47PM PST 09:37PM PST 0:50
07-03-2025 E135Int'l McCarran ()Int'l de Los Ángeles () 07:09PM PST 07:49PM PST 0:40
07-03-2025 E135Bob Hope ()Int'l McCarran () 05:39PM PST 06:21PM PST 0:41
07-03-2025 E135Int'l McCarran ()Bob Hope () 03:51PM PST 04:42PM PST 0:51
07-03-2025 E135Buchanan Fld ()Int'l McCarran () 01:43PM PST 02:54PM PST 1:10
07-03-2025 E135Int'l McCarran ()Buchanan Fld () 11:37AM PST 12:48PM PST 1:11
07-03-2025 E135John Wayne ()Int'l McCarran () 09:59AM PST 10:44AM PST 0:45
07-03-2025 E135Int'l McCarran ()John Wayne () 08:05AM PST 08:46AM PST 0:41
06-03-2025 E135Int'l de Los Ángeles ()Int'l McCarran () 10:30PM PST 11:17PM PST 0:47
06-03-2025 E135Int'l McCarran ()Int'l de Los Ángeles () 08:59PM PST 09:45PM PST 0:46
06-03-2025 E135John Wayne ()Int'l McCarran () 04:38PM PST 05:21PM PST 0:43
06-03-2025 E135Int'l McCarran ()John Wayne () 02:59PM PST 03:46PM PST 0:47
06-03-2025 E135Int'l de Los Ángeles ()Int'l McCarran () 01:19PM PST 02:04PM PST 0:45
06-03-2025 E135Int'l McCarran ()Int'l de Los Ángeles () 11:07AM PST 11:56AM PST 0:48
03-03-2025 E145Rocky Mtn Metropolitan ()Int'l McCarran () 04:23PM MST 04:50PM PST 1:27
03-03-2025 E145Int'l McCarran ()Rocky Mtn Metropolitan () 01:02PM PST 03:28PM MST 1:26
02-03-2025 E135McClellan-Palomar ()Int'l McCarran () 05:18PM PST 06:05PM PST 0:47
02-03-2025 E135Taos Rgnl ()McClellan-Palomar () 03:25PM MST 04:19PM PST 1:54
02-03-2025 E135McClellan-Palomar ()Taos Rgnl () 11:47AM PST 02:10PM MST 1:23
02-03-2025 E135Int'l McCarran ()McClellan-Palomar () 09:52AM PST 10:42AM PST 0:50
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