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BOEING 777-300ER (JA734A) - Taxiing away from an International Terminal gate for a noon hour departure to Narita International (RJAA).
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BOEING 777-300ER (JA734A)


Taxiing away from an International Terminal gate for a noon hour departure to Narita International (RJAA).


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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
I was fortunate to get a capture of this one. Less than a week after I clicked it here at SFO, JA734A was flown to Haneda (Tokyo Int'l) and parked.
Darryl Sarno
Nice shot and capture Gary! The mountains in the background enhance the beauty of the photo! 5*'s!
Gavin Hughes
Very nice shot and a stroke of luck again, to boot.
Tom Vance
San Bruno Mtns have always been a nice backdrop at SFO, the multi peak Antenna array is very visible at night with massive red tower lights a blinking all night...I wonder if Gman left his heart in.....
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