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16-6674 — - An F/A-18F Super Hornet (166674) of the VFA-213 "Blacklions" (NAS Oceana / USS George H. W. Bush) captured about 3/4ths of a mile out turning final for runway 31L at NAS Fallon yesterday morning.
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16-6674 —


An F/A-18F Super Hornet (166674) of the VFA-213 "Blacklions" (NAS Oceana / USS George H. W. Bush) captured about 3/4ths of a mile out turning final for runway 31L at NAS Fallon yesterday morning.


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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Not only was this a rather long reach for my lens, but this Super Bug was also coming around to the east of my location which meant that with every shot I was getting closer and closer to shooting directly into the morning sun, so I didn't have very high hopes of snapping a clean keeper. But this set turned out OK. The "Blacklion" on the tail is visible and clear even though the S-Bug is leaned way over into its final turn. I enjoy clicking from this position but by mid morning the heat rolling up from the ground is usually heavy enough to distort the shot, and the sun gets too high for good lighting. Fortunately, this CAG Eight VFA squadron began arriving before photo conditions deteriorated.
Mark See
Great photo Gary! I really like it bc of how the aircraft is turning and you are able to see the entire top of it... not many photos out there that have an angle like this. Very nice job!
Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Hi, Mark. Yep, normally, the only times it is possible for a spotter on the ground to get a "topside" view like this is during an airshow. I love this angle because it is almost like looking down from another a/c. (If it wasn't rigged for landing, this would look like a formation flight shot.)
Dwight Hartje
Excellent capture, Gary! How often are these aircraft registered(they do this for purpose of confusing any enemies there might be as to our true numbers)?
Gary, I'll echo Dwight's words... this is an excellent capture!!!

I cannot expertly reply to his question, but suspect our "true numbers" are fairly well an "open book" unless you're talking about "black project" a/c types.
Joseph Ciliberti
Great picture there Gary, congrats. Re numbers, each F/A-18 has the serial number right below the tailplaine, small and not easy to read, but each aircraft carries it's own bureau number there. The modex number on the side-nose and sometimes on the fin is totally independent of the actual bureau number, which never changes from the beginning to the end of the life of each machine.
Jeremy Kudlick
Excellent shot, and it's even the squadron CO flying.
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