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McDonnell Douglas FA-18 Hornet (16-8917) - United States Navy McDonnell Douglas F/A-18E Super Bug (168917)br /VFA-192 (Strike Fighter Squadron One Ninety Two) "Golden Dragons"br /Home Port: Naval Air Station Lemoore (NAS Lemoore), Lemoore, CAbr /Navy Lt Catherine "Barb" Drake pilots her F/A-18E Super Hornet down to KNFL's 31L after participating in a late afternoon training exercise.
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McDonnell Douglas FA-18 Hornet (16-8917)


United States Navy McDonnell Douglas F/A-18E Super Bug (168917)
VFA-192 (Strike Fighter Squadron One Ninety Two) "Golden Dragons"
Home Port: Naval Air Station Lemoore (NAS Lemoore), Lemoore, CA
Navy Lt Catherine "Barb" Drake pilots her F/A-18E Super Hornet down to KNFL's 31L after participating in a late afternoon training exercise.


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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
I can't recall if I was able to get a snap of the "Golden Dragons" CAGbird. I do know I clicked at least three CAG jets (the two I have already posted and also the "Gauntlets" CAG's warbird that I have not yet posted), but I'm not sure if I got a capture of the VFA-192 CAGbird. I'll go back thru my pics and if I did get it, I'll post it after I post the "Gauntlets" CAGbird.
Tom Vance
"BARB"??? please elaborate......I don't see many female canopy "names".....awesome landing shot..........can't wait for the "Top Gun 2"........................x5 Gman what a series!!
Gavin Hughes
Have to agree with Tom...great series of photos - on the ground, in the air doesn't matter when the quality's there and it is.
Darryl Sarno
gwapo santa
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