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N209TW — - The first day of the 2017 Reno Air Races (aka: National Championship Air Races) started in spectacular fashion this morning when the Texas Flying Legends Museum personnel positioned their aircraft on the ramp for a sunrise photo op.  This shot captures their Goodyear FG-1D Corsair (N209TW / NX209TW) from behind as the sun is coming up over Reno Stead Airport.br /br /Recommend clicking on FULL for best viewing.
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N209TW —


The first day of the 2017 Reno Air Races (aka: National Championship Air Races) started in spectacular fashion this morning when the Texas Flying Legends Museum personnel positioned their aircraft on the ramp for a sunrise photo op. This shot captures their Goodyear FG-1D Corsair (N209TW / NX209TW) from behind as the sun is coming up over Reno Stead Airport.

Recommend clicking on FULL for best viewing.


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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
A tremendous beginning to this year's event. Could not have been more perfect!
Yes, a tremendous beginning - and a great photo too, Gary - *F*I*V*E* Stars!!!
Greg Byington
Great shot, Gary!
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