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SCHWEIZER 269 (N20536) - Snapped this capture back in 2009 as the pilot was giving a short "air show" style flight performance for a group of school children.
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SCHWEIZER 269 (N20536)


Snapped this capture back in 2009 as the pilot was giving a short "air show" style flight performance for a group of school children.


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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
N20536 is still flying, but its home is in Las Vegas now.
Tom Vance
2009? It's amazing these little bugs are so nimble. If memory serves me right, my 1st flight ever was in one of these, or slightly larger version at the Western Washington State Fair at Puyallup in 1962 or 1963. 50 cents each kid, $1.00 per adult ( I have 4 brothers) the Pilot took all 5 of us up. Scary.
Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Fifty CENTS?? For a ride in one of these? Too cool!! I'd have forked over a Fiver and gone up ten times. And that would have just been until it was time for lunch. Then, after lunch, another Fiver.
I'll bet the pilot would have finally gotten so tired of having me along for another ride that he'd have forced me to do a "D.B. Cooper." lol
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