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N717UP — - This North American T-6G (N717UP) is one of about a dozen aircraft owned by the Cactus Air Force Wings and Wheels Museum (Carson City, Nevada) that were displayed at the annual Carson City Airport (KCXP) Open House last Saturday.  This is the first photo of N717UP to be entered in the FA gallery and it shows the unpainted Texan being taxied into a display location on the KCXP ramp a few minutes before the official start of the open house event.
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N717UP —


This North American T-6G (N717UP) is one of about a dozen aircraft owned by the Cactus Air Force Wings and Wheels Museum (Carson City, Nevada) that were displayed at the annual Carson City Airport (KCXP) Open House last Saturday. This is the first photo of N717UP to be entered in the FA gallery and it shows the unpainted Texan being taxied into a display location on the KCXP ramp a few minutes before the official start of the open house event.


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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
The Cactus Air Force Wings and Wheels Museum's aircraft collection is extremely impressive. In addition to this T-6, some other aircraft owned by the CAF Museum that were shown at the open house are a Grumman TBM-3E Avenger, a Cessna 0-2 Skymaster and 0-1 Bird Dog, a North American Rockwell OV-10A Bronco, a Bell AH-1 Cobra, and a Douglas A-26 Invader. And the CAF owns more than just those.
Mark See
Great shot with a beautiful backdrop Gary! Even unpainted I think this Texan looks pretty good: not many planes can pull that one off.
Greg Byington
A very nice shot, Gary!
Gary -- thanks for the great shot and brief note setting the stage for us.
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