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Learjet 35 (N71CK) - A Kalitta Charters Bombardier Learjet 36 (N71CK) medflight is caught as it is about to touch down on KRNO's 16L yesterday morning (2 Jan 2019). Although this flight was displayed on FlightAware while it was enroute and also when it departed just over an hour later, the FA flight history activity log no longer shows yesterday's visit to Reno.
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Learjet 35 (N71CK)


A Kalitta Charters Bombardier Learjet 36 (N71CK) medflight is caught as it is about to touch down on KRNO's 16L yesterday morning (2 Jan 2019). Although this flight was displayed on FlightAware while it was enroute and also when it departed just over an hour later, the FA flight history activity log no longer shows yesterday's visit to Reno.


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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
The tail markings and titles that were on N71CK less than a year ago and which specifically IDed it as a medflight aircraft have obviously been removed, but yesterday's flight appeared on FA as a Kalitta Charters medflight and the pilot used a Kalitta Medflight call sign. Perhaps the markings were removed because this Learjet is now chartered out for a wide variety of purposes instead of just medical missions.
C.W. Reed
Another great "RNO" shot, complete with the "R" on the hill! Some of these Lears can cruise at FL51! Thanks again Gary! Cheers!
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