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Consolidated B-24 Liberator (N224J) - The Collings Foundation's B-24J Liberator (N224J, formerly 44-44052) "Witchcraft" makes a simulated bombing run here. Also making a simulated bomb run along with "Witchcraft" was "Tondelayo," another WWII-era bomber operated by the Collings organization. It was quite impressive.
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Consolidated B-24 Liberator (N224J)


The Collings Foundation's B-24J Liberator (N224J, formerly 44-44052) "Witchcraft" makes a simulated bombing run here. Also making a simulated bomb run along with "Witchcraft" was "Tondelayo," another WWII-era bomber operated by the Collings organization. It was quite impressive.


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Greg Byington
That's another great shot, Gary!
Don Goodenough
Don Goodenough
I flew on Witchcraft several years ago when it was in Dallas, what a ride! Made me appreciate what our men went thru
David Solarsick
I also had the opportunity to ride the Collings B-24 at Moffett Field, Mountain View, CA. There were over 16,000 Liberators made during the war effort. There are only TWO! still flying today. Others on static display only. If anyone has an opportunity to ride this fantastic piece of history, do so. You’ll be glad you did. This isn’t just a sit-in-the seat ride. As soon as they take off, you can get up and walk all through the plane, even over a narrow catwalk through the bomb bays up to the cockpit and sit in the bombardier’s seat.
Tom Vance
5'er...........I've stood next to this B-24 many times and the B-25 Tondelayo at MRY, while I filmed co workers in the -25 on a MRY coastal flight. The 2 'ears" in the back look like they are canted a bit.
jason noyes
Good grief; terrible again. get shutter speed correct and aperture correct. oh! don't forget to steady that camera and lock on focus. geee
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