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— — - Sunset reflects on highly polished P-51 Mustang
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Sunset reflects on highly polished P-51 Mustang


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bob harris
thomas maurer
Beauty. I'd give my left nut for it. Or both & a kidney!
Jesse Carroll
Dam....they just don't make them like this anymore! Hope to fly one this fall in FT. Worth!
Bobbie Munger

On my bucket list to fly in the Collings Foundation's dual-control restored P-51 Mustang called "Betty Jane." It will only cost $3000 for the privilege lol.
amerigo m cimino
The p51; is beautiful, even after a mission!
Too bad we got into jets!
Probably the most beautiful plane ever built!
Got my vote!
Perfect lighting. Awesome!
Phil Preston
Is there really any angle from which a P-51 doesn't look terrific?
Kobe Hunte
still pretty much my favorite pic on FA!
Who's P-51 Mustang is this and is it for sale?
James Wisely
Who gave this less than 5 stars should be ashamed of themself !
Chris Croft
A photographic masterpiece.


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