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Airbus A380-800 (G-XLEF)
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Airbus A380-800 (G-XLEF)



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gwapo santa
nice one
Alan Hume
Superb shot of the British flag carrier A380 departing Heathrow with turbine blades shimmering! And just look at all that undercarriage getting ready to be folded away! Stunning!
OOoooau... Great photo !!!Thank you !!!
¿Deseas un historial completo para G-XLEF a partir de 1998? Compra ahora. Recíbelo dentro de una hora.
Fecha Aeronave Origen Destino Salida Llegada Duración
12-03-2025 A388Londres-Heathrow ()Int'l de Dallas-Fort Worth () 10:50AM GMT 04:09PM CDT Programado
12-03-2025 A388OR Tambo Int'l () 12:13AM SAST En Vuelo
10-03-2025 A388Londres-Heathrow ()OR Tambo Int'l () 09:30PM GMT 09:56AM SAST (+1) 10:26
09-03-2025 A388Int'l de San Francisco ()Londres-Heathrow () 06:53PM PDT 11:25AM GMT (+1) 9:32
09-03-2025 A388Londres-Heathrow ()Int'l de San Francisco () 12:20PM GMT 03:50PM PDT 10:30
08-03-2025 A388Int'l de Miami ()Londres-Heathrow () 05:27PM EST 06:19AM GMT (+1) 7:52
08-03-2025 A388Londres-Heathrow ()Int'l de Miami () 10:24AM GMT 02:21PM EST 8:57
07-03-2025 A388Int'l de Singapur ()Londres-Heathrow () 11:35PM +08 05:09AM GMT (+1) 13:33
06-03-2025 A388Londres-Heathrow ()Int'l de Singapur () 08:08PM GMT 04:34PM +08 (+1) 12:25
05-03-2025 A388Int'l de San Francisco ()Londres-Heathrow () 05:48PM PST 11:33AM GMT (+1) 9:44
05-03-2025 A388Londres-Heathrow ()Int'l de San Francisco () 12:09PM GMT 02:36PM PST 10:27
04-03-2025 A388Int'l de Singapur ()Londres-Heathrow () 11:21PM +08 05:06AM GMT (+1) 13:45
03-03-2025 A388Londres-Heathrow ()Int'l de Singapur () 07:36PM GMT 04:07PM +08 (+1) 12:31
02-03-2025 A388Int'l de Los Ángeles ()Londres-Heathrow () 09:16PM PST 03:12PM GMT (+1) 9:55
02-03-2025 A388Londres-Heathrow ()Int'l de Los Ángeles () 03:36PM GMT 06:09PM PST 10:32
01-03-2025 A388Int'l de San Francisco ()Londres-Heathrow () 06:18PM PST 12:05PM GMT (+1) 9:46
01-03-2025 A388Londres-Heathrow ()Int'l de San Francisco () 01:22PM GMT 03:29PM PST 10:07
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