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BOEING 727-200 (N495AJ) - From Simpson Bay Road. Landing end afternoon. Memory 09/12/2015
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BOEING 727-200 (N495AJ)


From Simpson Bay Road. Landing end afternoon. Memory 09/12/2015


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jessica james
That's a killer shot. Looks like you were right next to the runway.
michel charronPhoto Uploader
Dear jessica over the fence...Have a nice day.
Greg Byington
Great shot, Michel!
michel charronPhoto Uploader
Thank you Greg.Have a nice day.
Donna Yost
Interesting...first time seeing winglets on a three-holer. Beautiful.
The old girl is currently being stored; hopefully she'll fly again one day!
Mark Albrecht
The 727 is one beautiful plane, very graceful lines. Probably my favorite passenger jetliner.
ken kemper
So Sweet

I miss the 727...what a work horse.

Nice pic Michel
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