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Boeing 757-200 (TF-FIU)
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png Tamaño intermedio / Tamaño grande / Tamaño real

Boeing 757-200 (TF-FIU)



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Tyler Emtage
Nice shot! Love the livery
Dick Nieuwendyk
Picture perfect.
Totally awesome !!
Linda Nitzschke
Northern Lights flight.
Hekla Aurora. Beautiful!
Fabian Dirscherl
perfect shot
Lonnie Penner
Agree with all the other comments. Beautiful scenery on (and off) the plane. Thanks for sharing this photo. 5*
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Fecha Aeronave Origen Destino Salida Llegada Duración
01-02-2025 B752Verona-Villafranca ()Int'l de Keflavík () 01:55PM CET 05:10PM GMT Programado
01-02-2025 B752Int'l de Keflavík ()Verona-Villafranca () 07:40AM GMT 12:25PM CET Programado
27-01-2025 B752Zagreb-Pleso ()Int'l de Keflavík () 02:20AM CET 05:30AM GMT 4:09
24-01-2025 B752Int'l de Keflavík ()Zagreb-Pleso () 09:49AM GMT 02:49PM CET 4:00
23-01-2025 B752Int'l de Seattle-Tacoma ()Int'l de Keflavík () 02:38PM PST 05:53AM GMT (+1) 7:15
22-01-2025 B752Int'l de Keflavík ()Int'l de Seattle-Tacoma () 05:14PM GMT 04:07PM PST 6:52
21-01-2025 B752Int'l John F. Kennedy ()Int'l de Keflavík () 07:34PM EST 05:18AM GMT (+1) 4:44
21-01-2025 B752Int'l de Keflavík ()Int'l John F. Kennedy () 05:03PM GMT 05:55PM EST 5:52
20-01-2025 B752Ámsterdam-Schiphol ()Int'l de Keflavík () 01:53PM CET 03:36PM GMT 2:43
20-01-2025 B752Int'l de Keflavík ()Ámsterdam-Schiphol () 07:59AM GMT 11:48AM CET 2:48
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