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9Y-TKD — - BELL-AGUSTA AB-139 (9Y-TKD) from Bristo choppers corperation seen landing at St Maarten after leaving the oil fields.
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9Y-TKD —


BELL-AGUSTA AB-139 (9Y-TKD) from Bristo choppers corperation seen landing at St Maarten after leaving the oil fields.


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Gavin Hughes
Love it. Typically up to your top standard Daniel.
daniel jefPhoto Uploader
@ Gavin Hughes thanks!
Robert Cowling
HAH! My ground school instructor was running through his certifications, and people commented that he had everything but helicopter training. He looked serious and said that 'in a 172, 10% of the plane is involved in keeping it in the air, and 98% is involved in keeping a helicopter in the air and that he liked his odds in a plane over a helicopter'. He was obviously making up the percentages, but I had to laugh. He was quite a funny guy...

I did hear of a guy who was involved in a car accident. They dispatched a helicopter ambulance to pick him up, and he refused it. They still billed him for it, and it took quite a few more minutes to get a regular ambulance to the site. Crazy...

Sorry, too much coffee, not enough sleep this morning... Great shot.
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