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Boeing 747-400 (PH-BFN) - KLM Boeing 747-400 departing TNCM St Maarten for Curacao.
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Boeing 747-400 (PH-BFN)


KLM Boeing 747-400 departing TNCM St Maarten for Curacao.


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William Garcia
Wooooowww.. awesome shot!!!!
Sanmit Basu
something's a bit off about this pic...
Luiz Vieira
Nowadays, the flight is operate by A332. 3 times a week.
Sweet. Wish I was there.
Such a sweet shot Daniel! I'm gonna miss this beauty next time in SXM!
daniel jefPhoto Uploader
@Lynette your most welcome. yea well all do miss this great bird.
Mark Huntsinger
I have been on Maho Beach a few times and I can think of no location that looks even remotely close to this. Please explain how the palm trees are on the camera side of the 747.
A Jonathan Shea
Found this spot on Google Maps toward the east end of the runway, Mary's Boon Beach Resort and Spa, in the right relation an eastbound takeoff. Roof pattern matches. Looks like liftoff was somewhere around 4500 feet from initial roll...
daniel jefPhoto Uploader
@Mark Huntsinger the explanation that @A Jonathan Shea gave is 100% correct. i just too the photo from a ship in the bay area. that's why it looks like that.
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