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Lockheed F-22 Raptor (10-4192) - Razz Larson in the USAF F-22 Raptor from the Air Combat Command F-22 Demonstration Team at Langley Air Force Base Performing at the Cleveland National Airshow on 3 Sep 2023.
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Lockheed F-22 Raptor (10-4192)


Razz Larson in the USAF F-22 Raptor from the Air Combat Command F-22 Demonstration Team at Langley Air Force Base Performing at the Cleveland National Airshow on 3 Sep 2023.


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Diana Rose
Stellar shot!
Dave Sheehy
Superb-Fantastic shot Ed!
Excellent shot!
Tim Segulin
Nice shot.
The yellow-orange exhaust contrasts well with an otherwise almost totally monochrome shot and draws the eye.
Al Miller
I assume the relatively "tame" looking exhaust is part of the stealth package.
Greg Douglas
@Al Miller - It may look 'tame', but that 'exhaust' can propel the 64,000 Lb. F-22 to over Mach 1 in a vertical climb.
Bill Snowden
Truly amazing photo!
ken kemper
You have a Calendar Shot Ed....

Great Capture.
Ed JonesPhoto Uploader
Thank you all for the compliments.
My nephew flies those. So jealous!

Great shot!
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