127 Votos (4.70 Promedio) y 75.762 Vistas  

Boeing 747-400 (N177UA)
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png Tamaño intermedio / Tamaño grande / Tamaño real

Boeing 747-400 (N177UA)



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Michael Zoutendijk
Wow, excellent shot!!!
incredible, nice work!!
Awesome photo!
gwapo santa
g8 work
Nice timing on this picture....very cool!
Pieter de Haan
Claude ngono
Nice picture !!!!
Kurt Anderson
With all those great comments why did it only get a 4.78 rating? I give it a 5.0.
Alan Peterson
Love the subject, and the effect. Well done !
Dwight Hartje
Excellent shot with plenty of water action! Seen in Daily Newsletter!
Marcio Lira
Maneiríssima foto!
Lynn Armbruster
Needs a wash lol
Guido Warnecke
Very nice!
Greg Byington
I always loved seeing aircraft, especially 747's, break through the overcast as they approached runway 25R at Frankfurt. This is a great shot and reminds me of my years in Germany. Sehr gut gemacht! Schoenen dank! -Greg Byington
Gary Hjelm
Fantastic picture, and it is possible to see the vortex forming off the trust of the inboard right engine.
Rafael Parra
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