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Honda HondaJet (N57HP) - On final is this 2019 Honda HondaJet in the Autumn of 2020.
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Honda HondaJet (N57HP)


On final is this 2019 Honda HondaJet in the Autumn of 2020.


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warmwyndsPhoto Uploader
This fatal accident happened Nov. 5, 2024, at an airport in Mesa, Arizona to this HondaJet. They wanted to reject the takeoff and ended up crashing off the runway. It had visited my home airport in 2020 and had taken a few photos of its landing. The pilot survived but there were fatalities.
Michael Gower
Per Cirium: On Nov. 5, 2024 this 2019 Honda HA-420 HondaJet, owned by Ice Man Holdings LLC, was destroyed after overrunning Runway 22L at Falcon Field Airport in Mesa, Arizona, during its take-off roll. The aircraft went through the airport perimeter fence, struck an SUV on a nearby roadway, and burst into flames about 700 feet from the runway. ADS-B data suggests that the aircraft had accelerated to about 133kt before it aborted the take-off some 3,400ft into the 4,500-foot-long-runway. Early reports mention a total of five fatalities, 4 in the aircraft and 1 in the SUV. The pilot survived, with serious injuries. The accident happened in daylight (about 1640L) and in VMC: wind 260deg at 5kt, visibility 10sm, sky conditions: clear, temperature 21C and dewpoint -3C. The runway has an asphalt surface and the airfield elevation is 1,394ft. The aircraft was reportedly operating a flight to Provo, Utah.
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