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Bell BA-609 (N609PA) - A moment or two until this AugustaWestland Twin Turbo-Prop AW-609 touches down at the Leonardo Facility in the Autumn of 2018.
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Bell BA-609 (N609PA)


A moment or two until this AugustaWestland Twin Turbo-Prop AW-609 touches down at the Leonardo Facility in the Autumn of 2018.


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Chris Collinsworth
It is going to be awesome when hospitals start getting these.
warmwyndsPhoto Uploader
I agree and I saw that Rotorcraft today when I was out. The Leonardo (formerly Agusta Westland) is in the neighborhood here and the facility employs a lot of folks as one of the best in the world for helo production. I posted the same photo a few minutes ago to show you the new white livery color. I was not close to it when it flew by. Better ones to come!
¿Deseas un historial completo para N609PA a partir de 1998? Compra ahora. Recíbelo dentro de una hora.
Fecha Aeronave Origen Destino Salida Llegada Duración
12-03-2025 UnknownNortheast Philadelphia ()Northeast Philadelphia () 04:04PM EDT 04:52PM EDT 0:48
11-03-2025 UnknownNortheast Philadelphia ()Northeast Philadelphia () 11:43AM EDT 12:25PM EDT 0:42
28-02-2025 B609Hammonton Muni ()Northeast Philadelphia () 10:39AM EST 12:16PM EST 1:37
27-02-2025 UnknownNortheast Philadelphia ()Northeast Philadelphia () 02:09PM EST 02:57PM EST 0:47
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