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Cessna Citation Latitude (N603NE) - On final is this 2017 Cessna Citation Latitude in the Spring of 2019. Appears to have an image of a clock tower on the tail?
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png Tamaño intermedio / Tamaño grande / Tamaño real

Cessna Citation Latitude (N603NE)


On final is this 2017 Cessna Citation Latitude in the Spring of 2019. Appears to have an image of a clock tower on the tail?


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warmwyndsPhoto Uploader
C.W. Any thoughts on tail image? I took three more on the approach yesterday.
C.W. Reed
Hi warmwynds! I saw the clock tower and immediately thought of the Tower Of Big Ben, even though it's not really the same. keep the great shots coming! Hoosier cheers!!
jon Belanger
clock tower is in reference to the historic mill yards of Manchester N.H.
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Fecha Aeronave Origen Destino Salida Llegada Duración
12-03-2025 C68AInt'l de Orlando ()Boca Raton () 05:36PM EDT 06:10PM EDT 0:34
12-03-2025 C68ABoca Raton ()Int'l de Orlando () 03:41PM EDT 04:21PM EDT 0:39
12-03-2025 C68AInt'l de Orlando ()Boca Raton () 01:11PM EDT 01:43PM EDT 0:32
12-03-2025 C68AInt'l de Jacksonville ()Int'l de Orlando () 12:19PM EDT 12:50PM EDT 0:31
12-03-2025 C68AManchester Boston Rgnl ()Int'l de Jacksonville () 08:11AM EDT 10:54AM EDT 2:42
09-03-2025 C68ABoca Raton ()Manchester Boston Rgnl () 05:22PM EDT 08:12PM EDT 2:50
06-03-2025 C68AManchester Boston Rgnl ()Boca Raton () 10:11AM EST 01:10PM EST 2:59
05-03-2025 C68ANaples Muni ()Manchester Boston Rgnl () 12:20PM EST 03:05PM EST 2:45
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