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McDonnell Douglas DC-10 (N908WA) - KSFO - Pre 1987 merger with Delta Airlines. Western Airlines had regular DC-10 service at SFO. Ship 908 on pushback getting ready for taxi to 1R. Quiz. Where was the DC-10 headed and 2 Bonus points only - what jet type and Airline with the blue tip tail is behind the DC-10? ( not the 747) Celestron 1000mm lens w Minolta XD-11 from atop the ladder.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png Tamaño intermedio / Tamaño grande / Tamaño real

McDonnell Douglas DC-10 (N908WA)


KSFO - Pre 1987 merger with Delta Airlines. Western Airlines had regular DC-10 service at SFO. Ship 908 on pushback getting ready for taxi to 1R. Quiz. Where was the DC-10 headed and 2 Bonus points only - what jet type and Airline with the blue tip tail is behind the DC-10? ( not the 747) Celestron 1000mm lens w Minolta XD-11 from atop the ladder.


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Loren Wood
Going to SLC and the plane behind was a Delta DC-10?......lucky guess if I'm right.
Karl Lehenbauer
Agree with Loren Wood, SLC.
C.W. Reed
Hi Tom: I would guess SFO to DEN. Guessing British Airways Landor livery on the other tail. Hoosier Cheers

Tom VancePhoto Uploader
Thank you for the guessing - I am getting old and I gave away all my time tables, but I think this went to LAX- then HNL...or it went direct SFO-HNL. The Blue tip tail behind the Western -10 Heavy is a Capitol Airlines DC-8 Charter. Capitol was at SFO infrequently and I never got a good picture of their aircraft. Thank you all.
C.W. Reed
I believe you are right! Western DC-10's went to LAX for the PHNL leg. Forgot all about Capital Charter as well! As always, love your pics from the good old days!:-)

Tom VancePhoto Uploader
Thank you Cdub. The 737/727s handled SLC and other destinations, and now I sure wish I still had some of those timetables :) I sold most at our SFO Airline Collectible show, or gave packets of 5 away as door prizes. I didn't think many viewers would catch the DC-8.... Have a nice Christmas.
C.W. Reed
Very welcome! Keep them coming, Tom! Happy Holidays!:-)

¿Deseas un historial completo para N908WA a partir de 1998? Compra ahora. Recíbelo dentro de una hora.
Fecha Aeronave Origen Destino Salida Llegada Duración
11-03-2025 C152North Perry ()North Perry () 10:14AM EDT 11:22AM EDT 1:08
10-03-2025 C152North Perry ()North Perry () 10:15AM EDT 11:26AM EDT 1:10
10-03-2025 C152North Perry ()North Perry () 08:30AM EDT 08:35AM EDT 0:05
10-03-2025 C152North Perry ()North Perry () 08:12AM EDT 08:22AM EDT 0:10
10-03-2025 C152North Perry ()North Perry () 07:51AM EDT 08:02AM EDT 0:11
08-03-2025 C152North Perry ()North Perry () 10:15AM EST 12:38PM EST 2:22
07-03-2025 C152North Perry ()North Perry () 05:54PM EST 06:05PM EST 0:11
07-03-2025 C152North Perry ()North Perry () 05:35PM EST 05:43PM EST 0:08
07-03-2025 C152North Perry ()North Perry () 03:12PM EST 04:33PM EST 1:21
07-03-2025 C152North Perry ()North Perry () 12:28PM EST 02:12PM EST 1:43
07-03-2025 C152North Perry ()North Perry () 10:23AM EST 11:24AM EST 1:00
07-03-2025 C152North Perry ()North Perry () 08:01AM EST 08:46AM EST 0:45
07-03-2025 C152North Perry ()North Perry () 07:48AM EST 07:53AM EST 0:04
06-03-2025 C152North Perry ()North Perry () 06:14PM EST 06:26PM EST 0:12
06-03-2025 C152North Perry ()North Perry () 04:59PM EST 06:06PM EST 1:06
01-03-2025 C152North Perry ()North Perry () 10:52AM EST 11:42AM EST 0:49
28-02-2025 C152North Perry ()North Perry () 05:05PM EST 06:13PM EST 1:07
28-02-2025 C152North Perry ()North Perry () 02:33PM EST 03:32PM EST 0:59
28-02-2025 C152North Perry ()North Perry () 10:16AM EST 11:40AM EST 1:23
26-02-2025 C152North Perry ()North Perry () 10:32AM EST 11:30AM EST 0:57
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