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Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner (N38950) - KSFO - Mar 14, 2020 and after the SFO airline collectible show same date, we had light rain in the bay area region - before my 5 hr drive back home, I wanted to hit the top floor of long term parking again,,,and I didn't know it at the time, this was United Airlines 1st Boeing 787-9 ( Delv Sept 2014) departing for long distance points west...The day before we had heat haze and sunny weather, this rain blast off 28R added to the take off roll. I will definitely be back to this location again.......before Mar 2021 Show!
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png Tamaño intermedio / Tamaño grande / Tamaño real

Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner (N38950)


KSFO - Mar 14, 2020 and after the SFO airline collectible show same date, we had light rain in the bay area region - before my 5 hr drive back home, I wanted to hit the top floor of long term parking again,,,and I didn't know it at the time, this was United Airlines 1st Boeing 787-9 ( Delv Sept 2014) departing for long distance points west...The day before we had heat haze and sunny weather, this rain blast off 28R added to the take off roll. I will definitely be back to this location again.......before Mar 2021 Show!


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Gavin Hughes
Great photo Tom - nothing like a little bit of moisture to give a pic a kick. We'll be waiting to see what you see when you get back there.
Tom VancePhoto Uploader
Thank you OzGman__ this is a tough spot, handheld probably half to three quarters of a mile away..I'm bringing the tripod next time and aim it on the 28LR approach Runways - using the 100-400mm ought to be pretty good lens use & digital video..the last time March 2020 it was hot and very windy which would have produces too much camera shake. PM was raining..We'll see.......
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Fecha Aeronave Origen Destino Salida Llegada Duración
15-03-2025 B789Int'l de Denver ()Int'l de Munich-Franz Josef Strauss () 09:30PM MDT 01:55PM CET (+1) Programado
15-03-2025 B789Londres-Heathrow ()Int'l de Denver () 11:58AM GMT 03:16PM MDT Programado
14-03-2025 B789Int'l de Denver ()Londres-Heathrow () 06:56PM MDT 09:32AM GMT (+1) Programado
14-03-2025 B789Londres-Heathrow ()Int'l de Denver () 11:52AM GMT 02:59PM MDT En Vuelo
13-03-2025 B789Int'l de Denver ()Londres-Heathrow () 06:49PM MDT 09:12AM GMT (+1) 8:23
13-03-2025 B789Fráncfort del Meno ()Int'l de Denver () 11:33AM CET 02:23PM MDT 9:49
12-03-2025 B789Int'l de Denver ()Fráncfort del Meno () 05:10PM MDT 08:56AM CET (+1) 8:45
12-03-2025 B789Int'l de Narita ()Int'l de Denver () 05:54PM JST 12:53PM MDT 9:59
11-03-2025 B789Int'l de Los Ángeles ()Int'l de Narita () 12:12PM PDT 03:26PM JST (+1) 11:13
11-03-2025 B789Int'l Libertad de Newark ()Int'l de Los Ángeles () 06:16AM EDT 08:47AM PDT 5:30
10-03-2025 B789Int'l de Los Ángeles ()Int'l Libertad de Newark () 09:01AM PDT 04:29PM EDT 4:27
10-03-2025 B789Int'l de Hong Kong ()Int'l de Los Ángeles () 09:40AM HKT 06:16AM PDT 11:35
08-03-2025 B789Int'l de Los Ángeles ()Int'l de Hong Kong () 11:38PM PST 06:37AM HKT (+2) 14:59
08-03-2025 B789Int'l de Hong Kong ()Int'l de Los Ángeles () 09:12PM HKT 04:56PM PST 11:44
07-03-2025 B789Int'l de Los Ángeles ()Int'l de Hong Kong () 11:18AM PST 06:50PM HKT (+1) 15:32
07-03-2025 B789Int'l Libertad de Newark ()Int'l de Los Ángeles () 06:15AM EST 08:31AM PST 5:15
06-03-2025 B789Int'l de San Francisco ()Int'l Libertad de Newark () 12:07PM PST 07:29PM EST 4:22
06-03-2025 B789Int'l de Singapur ()Int'l de San Francisco () 10:13AM +08 08:40AM PST 14:26
04-03-2025 B789Int'l de San Francisco ()Int'l de Singapur () 11:11PM PST 07:48AM +08 (+2) 16:36
04-03-2025 B789Int'l Washington-Dulles ()Int'l de San Francisco () 08:42AM EST 10:55AM PST 5:12
02-03-2025 B789Int'l de la Ciudad del Cabo ()Int'l Washington-Dulles () 09:06PM SAST 06:53AM EST (+1) 16:47
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