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Airbus A320 (N809JB) - KSJC - "Blue by Popular Demand" climbing out of 30R at San Jose on a nice clear day headed to Long Beach,CA. Note the 1950s Era US Air Force Station "Mt Ununhum" coastal air defense base radar tower( minus the array) shown atop the mountain of the same name in the distance. I worked on that base property late 1970s for a different Company that had to let us in to check certain facilities each month. The view is awesome up there when clear, and recently this area of the old Radar base is now open to the public as a County park from 2017.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png Tamaño intermedio / Tamaño grande / Tamaño real

Airbus A320 (N809JB)


KSJC - "Blue by Popular Demand" climbing out of 30R at San Jose on a nice clear day headed to Long Beach,CA. Note the 1950s Era US Air Force Station "Mt Ununhum" coastal air defense base radar tower( minus the array) shown atop the mountain of the same name in the distance. I worked on that base property late 1970s for a different Company that had to let us in to check certain facilities each month. The view is awesome up there when clear, and recently this area of the old Radar base is now open to the public as a County park from 2017.


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¿Deseas un historial completo para N809JB a partir de 1998? Compra ahora. Recíbelo dentro de una hora.
Fecha Aeronave Origen Destino Salida Llegada Duración
12-03-2025 A320Int'l de Miami ()Int'l John F. Kennedy () 07:36PM EDT 09:58PM EDT Programado
12-03-2025 A320Int'l John F. Kennedy ()Int'l de Miami () 03:06PM EDT 06:22PM EDT Programado
12-03-2025 A320Int'l de Sarasota-Bradenton ()Int'l John F. Kennedy () 10:07AM EDT 12:41PM EDT Programado
12-03-2025 A320Int'l Logan ()Int'l de Sarasota-Bradenton () 05:55AM EDT 08:47AM EDT 2:52
11-03-2025 A320Int'l John F. Kennedy ()Int'l Logan () 11:45PM EDT 12:26AM EDT (+1) 0:41
11-03-2025 A320Int'l Buffalo Niagara ()Int'l John F. Kennedy () 02:00PM EDT 02:53PM EDT 0:53
11-03-2025 BCS3Int'l John F. Kennedy ()Int'l Buffalo Niagara () 12:13PM EDT 01:11PM EDT 0:58
11-03-2025 A320Int'l de Orlando ()Int'l John F. Kennedy () 08:59AM EDT 11:07AM EDT 2:08
09-03-2025 A320Int'l de Punta Cana ()Int'l de Orlando () 04:57PM AST 08:36PM EDT 3:38
07-03-2025 A320Int'l de Punta Cana ()Int'l John F. Kennedy () 08:40PM AST 11:33PM EST Cancelado
07-03-2025 A320Int'l John F. Kennedy ()Int'l de Punta Cana () 12:44PM EST 04:43PM AST 2:59
06-03-2025 A320Int'l del Cibao ()Int'l John F. Kennedy () 03:10AM AST 05:40AM EST 3:29
05-03-2025 A320Int'l John F. Kennedy ()Int'l del Cibao () 09:35PM EST 01:52AM AST (+1) 3:17
05-03-2025 A320Int'l Norman Manley ()Int'l John F. Kennedy () 03:49PM EST 07:41PM EST 3:52
05-03-2025 A320Int'l John F. Kennedy ()Int'l Norman Manley () 10:22AM EST 01:53PM EST 3:31
04-03-2025 A320Int'l Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood ()Int'l John F. Kennedy () 06:39PM EST 09:07PM EST 2:27
04-03-2025 A320Int'l de Cancún ()Int'l Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood () 02:56PM EST 04:14PM EST 1:17
04-03-2025 A320Int'l Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood ()Int'l de Cancún () 12:00PM EST 01:33PM EST 1:33
04-03-2025 A320Int'l John F. Kennedy ()Int'l Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood () 07:51AM EST 10:11AM EST 2:19
04-03-2025 A320Int'l del Cibao ()Int'l John F. Kennedy () 03:32AM AST 05:48AM EST 3:15
03-03-2025 A320Int'l John F. Kennedy ()Int'l del Cibao () 09:28AM EST 01:34PM AST 3:06
02-03-2025 A320Int'l Luis Muñoz Marín ()Int'l John F. Kennedy () 09:11PM AST 12:09AM EST (+1) 3:58
02-03-2025 A320Int'l de Orlando ()Int'l Luis Muñoz Marín () 04:08PM EST 07:29PM AST 2:20
02-03-2025 A320Int'l de Cancún ()Int'l de Orlando () 11:53AM EST 01:25PM EST 1:32
02-03-2025 A320Int'l de Orlando ()Int'l de Cancún () 08:41AM EST 10:18AM EST 1:37
01-03-2025 A320Int'l Libertad de Newark ()Int'l de Orlando () 09:02PM EST 11:19PM EST 2:17
01-03-2025 A320Int'l de Orlando ()Int'l Libertad de Newark () 05:29PM EST 07:32PM EST 2:02
01-03-2025 A320Int'l Logan ()Int'l de Orlando () 12:21PM EST 03:12PM EST 2:51
01-03-2025 A320Int'l Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood ()Int'l Logan () 07:35AM EST 10:11AM EST 2:36
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